Toronto Civics 101

Friday, January 8, 2010

Find City Consultations on Google Maps

We're experimenting with posting City of Toronto consultations on Google maps. A text listing of the consultations (upcoming and past) is available on the City's website at

Here is the link to the test mapping site.

Let us know what you think!


  1. Hello there,

    I LOVE the idea of using maps that link to the Consultations location, great! But I think it would be even more useful if the map showed the areas that were affected by the proposed changes (if there is a spatial component of course - for example "watershed issues" draw a map of the watershed that is under discussion..
    Great work, can't wait to see more of this on our web!

  2. Thank you for your comment!

    We did talk about marking our Google map with shading (which My Maps allows you to do) to show the study areas of each project. However, we are still adding many projects to the map and we were concerned that as the map became populated with more and more projects, it would get increasingly cluttered and confusing with overlapping shading. For example, some transit projects have very large study areas which means that a watermain project with a smaller study area could be overshadowed on our map by the transit project.

    However, our map is a work in progress and we are meeting with our IT staff to get their advice on how we can improve what we have started. As such, comments like this are helpful and appreciated. If there is a way we can have a shaded study area pop up or appear like a layer when someone clicks on the location of the meeting, for example, that would be great. Keep checking the map in the coming weeks for more consultation listings.
